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Rally for Greater Protections for Greater Chaco

Join us to deliver thousands of comments to Bureau of Land Management for Greater protections for Greater Chaco, calling for landscape-level management, environmental justice, and for the meaningful involvement of impacted communities and Tribal Nations.

May 6th is the comment deadline for the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) proposal to stop new oil and gas leasing for a 20-year period on roughly 350,000 acres of lands within a 10-mile radius of Chaco Culture National Historical Park, the first part of the Department of Interior’s still undefined “Honoring Chaco” Initiative.

While the FrackOffChaco /Greater Chaco Coalition supports protecting a 10-mile buffer around Chaco Culture National Historical Park, much more needs to be done to protect and restore the cultural integrity of the Greater Chaco Landscape and its communities, and to address the impacts of over 40,000 oil and gas wells already in the region.

Rally in front of BLM headquarters in New Mexico and help us deliver thousands of public comments demanding the Department of Interior stop the continued sacrifice of the region, address environmental racism and fully analyze the cumulative impacts of fracking across the landscape, and keep promises to ensure environmental justice for all Greater Chaco communities.

For more background, see the Greater Chaco Coalition Platform/Primer

If you can’t attend, you can still submit a public comment using our form before May 3 We will print and hand-deliver these comments at the event.

**Event Details**

WHAT: We’ll have speakers, signs, and a banner for people to sign and write what it means to truly Honor Chaco. (Though feel free to bring your own signs!) We’re also hosting a public comment table to write your comment to include in the delivery.

WHERE: BLM office in Santa Fe located at 301 Dinosaur Trail, Santa Fe, NM 87508


*** This is a peaceful event. We hope you will join and echo our collective call for protections beyond a 10-mile buffer. While the mask mandate has been lifted, we ask that you wear one so we can continue to protect each other. ***


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