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Dear ones,

We are calling on you, our fellow young people - who like us are inheriting a future that will be filled with ecological collapse, forced displacement and mass migration, food and water shortages, and social conflict fueled by the climate emergency - unless we act now to change it. Please stand with us. Let's fight for the chance to live in a world with a stable climate, with peace, and with justice. Let's fight to create futures worth living for.

We are calling on you, the adults who love us and want to protect us and ensure we have a livable future. Please stand with us. Please protect your children and grandchildren. Please extend the love you feel for us to all those impacted already - to climate refugees, to those on the frontlines, and to the soil, to the plants, the trees, the insects, the animals whose presence we depend on.

We are calling on you, elected officials and others in positions of power who claim to represent our collective interests. Please stand with us. Please cut through the special interests and "practical" limitations to find your own moral courage to represent the people and the planet. You are in positions with power and with power comes responsibility. We know that reversing global carbon emissions is a daunting task.Fifty years of inaction has put us in a state of emergency that requires swift and bold action. Please roll your sleeves up and step up to the plate.....or have the courage to recognize that you might not be the right person for the task and get out of the way.

We are Youth United for Climate Crisis Action of Earth Care (YUCCA) and we need your full participation in the climate strike and days of action planned for this September as world leaders gather for the UN Summit in New York City.

We need your help from here on - with only 10 years to change everything, we need all hands on deck.

Please share this email with everyone in your networks.Please contribute to our crowdfunding campaign. We need to raise $10,000 to pay for action supplies, transport, and organizing.Please read our Call to Action from YUCCA. Please Sign-Up to get involved and receive updates. Please share this info with other organizations and businesses and invite them to Sign-On as a business or organizational partner.Please don't forget to share and invite your friends to attend the Strike via Facebook by RSVPing HERE through messenger or by inviting them.


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