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Happy May Day!

Hello Friend! This Saturday is May Day, also known as International Workers' Day! Every year millions gather around the Earth celebrating the wins of workers' rights & labor movements and to elevate ongoing demands for rights -- from a living wage, to paid sick leave for all, to pay equity, to dignified conditions for farmworkers, to Indian farmworkers' struggles, to a just and equitable transition for energy workers exiting the fossil fuel economy. Check out this less than 2 minute brief history on May Day from Working Class History! This May Day and throughout the month of May we are asking folks in our community to contribute to #ShareMyCheck. #ShareMyCheck is a community-led economic justice project to redistribute federal stimulus funds and surplus household monthly income to members of our undocumented immigrant community who do not qualify for many government aid programs despite the fact that they have lost their livelihoods due to the pandemic & government neglect. This article in North Jersey discusses some of the barriers our undocumented neighbors face in the US. Undocumented folks don't qualify for unemployment benefits and the $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package passed last month doesn't provide stimulus funds to nonresidents, temporary workers or those in the country without papers. It does improve on previous aid packages by including mixed-status families, who have either a spouse or child who are legal residents or citizens (rather than punishing legal residents in mixed-status family households through exclusion like Trump did) -- but this still leaves millions in our immigrant communities without the support they need despite the critical role we play in our communities and economy. Join us this May Day to contribute and share about this campaign to redistribute critical funds to our community. We invite you to contribute if you have the ability and invite your network to become a partner in this project. Solidarity to workers in Santa Fe and around the world! Thank you to everyone for your hard work on local efforts and persistence in demanding equity & justice!

#ShareMyCheck Re-launch!

Check out the Solidarity Not Charity op-ed that Miguel Acosta wrote about

Mutual Aid for the January/February 2021 Green Fire Times Edition.

The project is coordinated through the Mutual Aid Network by Earth Care in collaboration with SF Dreamers Project, NM Dreamers in Action, Interfaith Leadership Alliance, Santa Fe Faith Network for Immigrant Justice, Fathers NM, Santa Fe Faith Network for Immigrant Justice, Gerard's House, Many Mothers, Las Cumbres, & Adelante


REPORT: EVICTIONS IN THE COVID-19 ERA: Successes & limitations of moratoria to keep people housed and healthy in Santa Fe

Check out this brand new research on the successes and limitations of COVID-19 era eviction moratoria – ordinances meant to temporarily protect tenants from being evicted by landlords during the pandemic. In this brief, we elucidate how and why eviction filings have continued to impact Santa Fe renters inequitably in 2020 despite moratoria, with a comparative analysis of eviction filings data from prior years.

This brief is the second in a series of three created by HIP & Chainbreaker Collective.


EJ & Community Development Campaign Meetings

Southside Community Members are forming a Community Development Council, join us tomorrow to learn about resiliency hubs from special guests at partner organizations.

Reuniones de la campaña de justicia ambiental y desarrollo comunitario

Miembros de la comunidad del Southside han formado un Consejo de Desarrollo Comunitario. ¡Únase a nosotros para nuestra próxima reunión este sábado y el sábado siguiente! El 1 de mayo (10-11: 30 a. m.) Escucharemos a algunos invitados que hablarán sobre los centros de resiliencia y su papel en el trabajo de desarrollo comunitario. ¿Es usted residente del Southside y le gustaría participar en esfuerzos de desarrollo comunitario equitativo? ¡Únase a nosotros!

Meeting ID: 977 7871 7561

One tap mobile: +16699006833,,97778717561#

By Phone: 669-900-6833

(meeting id 977 787 17 561)

EJ & Community Development Campaign Meetings

Southside Community Members have formed a Community Development Council. Join us for our upcoming meeting this Saturday & the following Saturday! On May 1st (10-11:30 AM) we'll hear from some guests who will talk about resiliency hubs and their role in community development work. Are you a Southside resident & would like to be involved in equitable community development efforts? Join us!

Meeting ID: 977 7871 7561

One tap mobile: +16699006833,,97778717561#

By Phone: 669-900-6833

(meeting id 977 787 17 561)



SÁBADO 1 DE MAYO | SATURDAY MAY 1 | 2:00-4:00 PM Para aprender sobre la historia del Día Internacional de los Trabajadores o “May Day”, favor de ver este video. El evento será en inglés y en español. For more information about the PRO Act, visit this page! To learn more about International Workers Day or May Day, please check out this video.

Join local DSA Chapters and Unions to celebrate International Worker's day and rally to Pass the PRO Act! This Town Hall is an opportunity to learn from local labor leaders about how the PRO Act will change the landscape of labor organizing in America for the better by eliminating Right-to-Work laws, unbanning secondary strikes, giving legal recourse to undocumented workers, and more. can register at

Esta reunión abierta virtual te da la oportunidad de aprender de líderes sindicales de qué manera la ley PRO mejorará la situación laboral al suprimir las leyes Right-to-Work, permitir huelgas de solidaridad, aumentar remedios legales para indocumentados, y más. Para más información sobre la ley PRO, visita esta pagina. Register aquí:


Somos Un Pueblo Unido Ice Cream Social

Honoring Essential Workers in the Valley!

May 1st @ 3 pm!

Food King Parking Lot, 930 N Riverside, Española

Somos Un Pueblo Unido Evento de ¡Helado para del día internacional del trabajador!

1 de Mayo - 3:00 pm

En el estacionamineto del Food King, 930 Riverside, Española


SÁBADO 1 DE MAYO | SAT. 5/1 12:00-2:00

May Day / Día Internacional de los Trabajadores

Join La Raza Unida at Dolores Huerta Gateway Park in Albuquerque in solidarity with working class communities. They'll have a caravan of vehicles & car rally.

If you are in Santa Fe and would like to donate to this event, please check out this list of needed items. You can drop them off by 4/29 before 1:30 pm to the Lannan Foundation at 313 Read Street, Santa Fe.


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